Global Strong Cities Cold War: Series 4: “An Unholy Marriage”:#2) Community Mental Health Centers

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Global Strong Cities Cold War,
Series #4

 “An Unholy Marriage”:


Citizens Commission of Human Rights International, 6362 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite B, Los Angeles, California 90028 , PH#1 800 869 2247 or 213 467 4242 
Daily Bites of Global Strong Citizens Cold War: Series 4 “An Unholy Marriage” Published as a Public Service by Citizens Commission for Human Rights:
Daily Bites of Citizens Commission of Human Rights International

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#2) Community Mental Health Centers 

(CMHC) Citizens Commission for Human Rights 1 800 869 2247
A proposal was submitted for community health centers for every hundred thousand population, two thousand centers at a time. 

The World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) had recently recommended community outpatient centers as the second step of the three phase plan for World Mental Health Development. Phase 1 was Psychiatric Institutions and phase 3 involved pre marital and parental guidance, child and welfare services, and the infusion of mental health policies into schools. 

In 1963 congress authorized $150 million for the construction of these centers. Staffing grants of 735 million followed two years later. In effect, these centers became legal drug pushing agencies. By 1980 at least 55% of the people using community health centers were prescribed powerful mind altering drugs. Through these centers psychiatrists had the potential of drugging ten times the population they had in institutions. 

In the late 60s, Dr. Nathan S. Kline, who was involved in the creation of the psychopharmacology service, a branch of National Institute of Mental Health, saw his role as influencing the value system of our culture. His unselfish nature and comments were persuasive to the clergy. This automatically led to the increased use of the clergy as a community resource for psychiatry in the 60s and 70s decades.

 (to be continued) ....

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(To be continued )
Global Strong Cities Cold War series 4 “An Unholy Marriage”:

Bite #4) Beginning of Church Decline :

Bite #5) Religion Incorporated :

Bite #6) Criminal Experts: 

Bite #7 ) Risks and danger:

Bite #8) Tales of the Sick Psychiatrists:

Bite #9) The Backlash:

Bite #10) The Serpent in the Guise of Science:

Bite #11) Reality versus Image: 

Bite #12) The Myth of Psychotherapy: 

Bite #13) Court Declares no Scientific Validity in Psychology: 

Bite #14) Psychology Diagnoses Religion as a Mental Illness: 

Bite #15) True Facts of Psychiatry:

Bite #16) Electroshock Eradicates Memory:

Bite #17) Psycho surgery Creates Brain Damage: 

Bite #18) Drugs induce Mental Health State:

Bite #19) Preying on the very young and the elderly: 

Bite #20) The Hidden Truth of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: 

Bite #21 ) Involuntary Commitment Destroys Liberty:

Bite #22) A Concrete Foundation for Totalitarian Control: 

Bite #23) Manufacturing Madness:

Bite #24) Inventing Mental Disorders:

Bite #25) Psychiatry Desecrates the Christian Church:

Bite #26) Blasphemous Statements from Psychiatrists at First International General Congress: 

Bite #27) Creating a Holocaust:

Bite #28) Adolph Hitler: 

Bite #29) legislating Murder: 

Bite #30) The Devil’s Doctors (calling evil good)

To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of  Global Strong Cities Cold War,series #4  “An Unholy Marriage”:

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