FIX BAYONETS: The Fifth Column Is A Fact, And Its Goals Are Being Realized

Submitted by Dee Fatouros

In the early 50's, Joseph McCarthy's tactics completely undermined his investigation regarding the Communist infiltration of the American government and  culture. To say that he was a flawed messenger is an understatement; however, he was correct.

Mass initial denial and scorn for the messenger is the default reaction to those who are prescient and have the courage to call attention to reality.

Harbingers of the truth, no matter what their character, are always excoriated, by those who are complicit in the events and the hidden agendas beneath as well as by those who are ignorant of and/or dismissive of anything which contradicts the accepted narrative.

Most are aware of the term "Islamophobia" but not all, particularly those who are younger, are familiar with "McCarthyism". This write up will focus on the journey of the Communist infiltration of our political system. Islamophobia will be discussed in a future essay.

Some history:

Controlled by the Soviet Union for most of its history.Engaged in espionage, infiltrated unions, and used front groups. Acted as a fifth column in American government and society.Upon its inception in 1919, the CPUSA was inextricably linked to the Soviet Communist International (Comintern), which was controlled by Moscow leadership and possessed“uncontested authority” over all international parties. When it was founded, the Party had approximately 50,000 members.
By the 1920s, the CPUSA’s membership had dwindled to approximately 15,000 because the Comintern forced it to adopt an ultra-revolutionary stance and give up attempts at “coalition building.” The Great Depression presented the Party with an opportunity to recruit and build its membership. Thus the CPUSA used hard times as a propaganda tool to assail the failure of capitalism, targeting particularly the liberal policies of the early FDR administration while successfully infiltrating government agencies, notably the Agricultural Adjustment Administration.
In 1935, with the rise of Nazism, the Comintern changed its policy and adopted the Popular Front tactic, which allowed the CPUSA to pose as the anti-fascist defenders of American liberalism. As Earl Bowder, the leader of the CPUSA from 1935 to 1945, declared, “Communism is Twentieth-Century Americanism.” This new tactic increased the Party's membership to nearly 100,000 people -- its high point -- , and it simultaneously allowed the Party to infiltrate a whole host of liberal institutions and use them as front groups. The CPUSA worked especially on becoming a presence within the powerful labor federation, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (which would later merge with the American Federation of Labor, to become the AFL-CIO).
In 1939, the Nazi-Soviet pact brought an end to the CPUSA’s anti-fascist pose. Soon after, the Party returned to its prior aggressive denunciations of mainstream American politics -- a move that eventually brought about a collapse in membership, especially when the Party reversed course once again with Hitler’s invasion of the USSR.
After World War II ended, Soviet hostility to the West surfaced once more. In 1944, U.S. Army cryptanalysts broke the code to the KGB’s communications, and by 1948 the Venona project had identified hundreds of espionage operatives in the United States. Although the Roosevelt administration had dismissed Republican assertions that Communists had infiltrated the New Deal, by the late 1940s the Truman administration began to treat the internal Communist threat as a very serious matter.
In 1948, Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley, both former Communists, testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities that Communists had operated in the Roosevelt administration -- especially Alger Hiss, who had served as a top official in the State Department. In January 1950, Hiss was convicted. A year later, on March 6, 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, members of the CPUSA and militant Stalinists, were put on trial for espionage and were executed two years later in 1953. Generations of radicals perceived them as martyrs for the cause and, to this day, many still protest their guilt, even though evidence continues to prove that they engaged in a conspiracy to steal the atomic secrets of the United Stated and deliver them to the USSR.

The following are excerpts from headings in the original post.  For much more discussion on the following highlighted in red,  go here.

McCarthyism:"but there is a reason for the use of this term. What Schrecker and others on the Left who have integrated McCarthy into their ideology are saying is that the problem was not the man's methods but what he believed; ".....

Was McCarthy Right?
Venona, Cables Coming in From the Cold:"Was McCarthy on the right track?", a piece in which it observed that Venona "demonstrates beyond argument that the Soviet penetration into American life, government, science and industry...was deep, thorough and hostile." And William F. Buckley has seized the moment for a novel, "The Redhunter," based on the life of his longtime hero, McCarthy."....
List of Americans in the Venona papers:Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Chairman of the bipartisan Commission on Government Secrecy, responsible for securing the release of Venona project materials, in the Introduction to his book Secrecy states, "The Venona intercepts contained overwhelming proof of the activities of Soviet spy networks in America, complete with names, dates, places, and deeds." (1) The release involved careful consideration of privacy interests of individuals mentioned, referenced, or identified in the translations. Some names have not been released when to do so would constitute an invasion of privacy. Over 200 named or covernamed persons found in the VENONA translations, persons then present in the U.S., are claimed by the KGB and the GRU in their messages as their clandestine assets or contacts.(2)....

Glenn Beck Video-McCarthy and the Venona papers:
Well worth the eight minute listen.

George Soros is the poster child for wealthy left wing financiers of the leftist take down of America, but there are many more who share his views.

The Left Wing Millionaires Club: One of the great myths of the left is that socialism is a movement of the people, the working classes, or the poor. In fact -- as Frederick Hayek pointed out long ago -- all socialist movements are the creation of intellectual elites, liberally pollinated by millionaires. Karl Marx was the kept intellectual of factory owner Frederick Engels; Bill Ayers, a leader of the terrorist cult called the Weatherman, was a scion of the American upper class; Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, is a multi-millionairess; Michael Moore, leftwing propagandist, is a multi-millionaire who has profited handsomely from the "struggle." The Leftwing Millionaires Club is a very incomplete list designed to illustrate this point and to serve as a reminder that everything is not always what it appears. (Text: Frederick Hayek "The Intellectuals and Socialism," in Hayek, Socialism and War, University of Chicago Press, 1997).....  
The Leftists On The Hill:The Congressional Progressive Caucus:Socialist wing of the Democratic PartyConsists of 76 Members of CongressHas close ties to the Institute for Policy Studies and the Democratic Socialists of AmericaHas ties to the Communist Party USA
The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist who had recently been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Sanders' CPC co-founders included House members Ron Dellums, Lane Evans, Thomas Andrews, Peter DeFazio, and Maxine Waters. The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) was also involved in CPC's founding and in Caucus activities thereafter; IPS continues to advise CPC on various matters to this day.
Another key player in establishing CPC was the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which has maintained a close alliance with the Caucus ever since. Beginning in 1997, CPC worked closely with the newly launched “Progressive Challenge, a coalition of more than 100 leftist organizations that sought to unite their activities and objectives under a "multi-issue progressive agenda."....
An alphabetical list of all current members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC):.....

The Ultimate Goal: Globalism:
Globalism is Behind Marxist Subversion of America, War on Terrror January 1, 2002 by Henry Makow Ph.D.:How would you explain the following?Communism has been discredited in both Russia and China, yet the Communist Party slogan, "politically correct," has become part of the vernacular in the United States.The Rockefeller Foundation funded all of:The site of the United Nations headquarters in NYC.The Pacific Institute, a Soviet-infiltrated think tank that influenced U.S. acceptance of Communist China in the 1940's.The invention of the contraceptive pill, and the IUD.The father of modern "sexual liberation," Dr. Alfred Kinsey, a gay pederast and pornographer.Marxism and lesbianism, disguised as feminism (and equal rights for women which I support), has been unleashed on America like a deadly virus. Marxists control education and the social services and use their position to destroy Judeo Christian values. They have vast influence in justice and the media. The heterosexual family is besieged: Between 1960 and 1998, the percentage of single-parent families have tripled, and one third of all American children live apart from their fathers. The national birthrate is down by 50%. Homosexuality is taught in elementary schools. In the media, promiscuity and pornography are sold as a substitute for marital fulfillment.I have been searching for a political paradigm to explain why the "establishment" has allowed all of the above. My search has lead me to so-called conspiracy theories. I was surprised to discover that, generally speaking, there is only one conspiracy theory, and it is pretty credible:The world is run by a super-rich elite. Far from being a threat, Marxism (i.e. Communism, now disguised as feminism) is actually subsidized and used by the super-rich to weaken and destabilize the West. The plan, bizarre as it sounds, is to formalize elite control of the world in the United Nations.Through Rockefeller fronts like the Council for Foreign Relations, international banks, secret societies, and intelligence agencies, the super-rich have been laying this plan since the League of Nations. Most of our political leaders have been in on it, which may explain why the world is in such rough shape.The best summary of this outlook is William F. Jasper's "Global Tyranny...Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order." It is published by the John Birch Society and can be found on their web site www.thenewamerican.comAs a former Leftist, I never imagined I would ever recommend anything by the John Birch Society... 

The above article discusses the endgame and the manipulation used to achieve it. As I noted in my "Planned Chaos" series our Main social institutions are being successfully denigrated to the point where our entire culture is well on the road to perdition.

Discord will evolve into anarchy after which time the saviors (globalists) will step in to restore "love, peace, social justice, and order".

It will eventually dawn on the spiritually exhausted populace that they have been deceived into accepting a totalitarian dystopian Hell from which there will be no escape.

The power of the elite will be too great to overcome in the short term. Our only hope is that nothing lasts forever. The nation state is never etched in stone, and eventually the cycle of history will repeat itself. We humans are forever destined to be in conflict, either with our own governing system or with a "foreign" enemy.

We must guard our heritage so as to pass it on to the survivors of the coming globalist tyranny. 

For much further discussion of all the above with many informational links included, please go here

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