D.b. Swanson commented on a link.

Ok people, we have known for some time now that Obama wants to radically change America. Logic tells me that it doesn't matter if his dream is connected to some new world order, or the united nations, or strict marxist government, all of them are evil and NOT what America is about. If we can agree that it matters not what his evil dreams and goals are for our Nation, then we can all concentrate on simply STOPPING the twisted bastard no matter what he's up to. 

His aspirations, his political party (support system), his actions, must all be STOPPED. What really get's me mad is how the American people don't seem to care. I'm not wanting him to be killed or even attempted to be killed. I cannot condone any such thinking because of my morality, but I do think he needs to be forced to step-down so he can no longer harm our once great Nation. This always brings up the question... 'well what do we do then to achieve this goal'? It's no longer in our hands because THE PEOPLE have shown zero backbone in these troubled times, so it may be up to our military to commit to a coup and forcibly kick him out of the White House.

 However, they will also have to take control of congress and the everyday running of our government. Why? Because they are the only non-political entity that can run the country until we can set-up a new government run by civilians and until we can have fair and honest elections. If this ever comes to fruition it will require a lot of brain power to set our country back on the right course. We will need this brain power because we will have to do things differently so we never put in this position again. 

One place we will need to change is how we treat politics and how much we allow it to control our daily lives. I suggest politics be handcuffed to the back seats of the WE THE PEOPLE Bus.

If you would like to add your ideas, please come to the following link and post them. One idea that I STRONGLY support is abolishing ALL political parties.

 It's time in our history to NOT allow Americans to be divided because of the political class. The only way we can accomplish this is to get rid of their power, and their power comes from their Party. God Bless America!

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