What Planet Are These Democrats Residing On

 Democrats Apologize to IRS Commissioner For Tough Questions From Republicans

 This appears to be outright collusion between some in the Democrat power structure and the IRS. Were these sycophants instructed by their puppet masters to defend Koskinen to the point of ludicrous incongruity or are they all simply brain dead as to what has really occurred? What conclusions can we possibly draw from this groveling?

From Freedom Outpost  "I watched the exchange on Fox news and to be honest, I was literally floored by this horrifically obtuse display of coddling by Democrats. They did everything except wipe Koskinen's forehead with a hanky and put their arms around the guy to protect him! I kept shaking my head because I could not believe what these Democrat "lawmakers" were doing: They were literally protecting a witness in a serious criminal investigation!  This is insane!
But, the most ludicrous and shameful display came from Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings! He said, "I appreciate you coming into this institution, giving it the best you've got, and then having to come in here and go through this hell!" 
Go Through Hell?  entire post

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