by Joe Esposito

The BENGHAZI MURDERESS knows no shame To the memory of the four dead she does defame She is the victim of this tragedy not they? This is a reprehensible woman! What more can one say?
The self pity she expresses is most remarkable and astounding Her indignation and lack of decency is so outrageous and troubling The sycophants are out en masse trying to put up a strong defense In only the world of the Clinton freaks does this make any sense I feel for the families of the slain and how devastated they must be to hear these words from the one responsible for Benghazi Nothing from this monster surprises me any more She is a wretched bitch that you cannot help but abhor You must understand there is her Presidency that is at stake Her image is what her supporters must try and remake Be mindful that half the electorate are sheep and easily manipulated So ignorant and clueless are they and happily being sedated Playing the victim comes easy to this fat thighed piece of trash This will fail and we will see her presidential hopes just crash For the truth will come out for it cannot always stay hidden BENGHAZI MURDERESS, You deserve not the White House but PRISON!

Hillary Clinton: I'm the Real Victim of Benghazi

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