I was a democrat for years

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  I was a democrat for years, until this trash took over and took our Democrat Party and made it into the joke it is today.
Well to start with there has not been a Democrat party for a few years. It was taken over by the likes of Jesse Jackson , AL Sharpton and Waters, Pelosi, Reid and several more... The Real Americans who were Democrats back then have gotten just as far away as possible, either as Independents or Conservative Republicans. The ones now who claim to belong to the "non-existing Democrat Party" continuously refer to themselves as "Liberals". It is people like you that made the word liberalism synonymous with Democrat. You people are the ones who make liberalism appear not so good.. The head of the "Black Panthers" Shabazz is a Liberal, according to him... He is vulgar, filthy talking, wears Muslim garb when out on the streets cursing White citizens.. Farrakhan, the leader of the "Nation of Islam" here in the United States in Washington D.C. is a liberal, accused of killing Malcolm X, put a bounty of Mr. Zimmerman's head before he was even known to be guilty, James Holmes who just killed innocent people in Colorado was a liberal, belonged to the "Black OW" in New York City, the black gangs in Chicago who killed a dozen or more of their own kind were all Obama Liberals... Bill Clinton was a liberal, lied constantly, ruined a young girl's life, while screaming to the world, "I did not have sex with that woman". Mayor Bloomberg of New York City just asked the Police to go on strike until the American citizens surrender their guns, Bloomberg is a Liberal, the Mayor of Chicago, Rham Emanuel, a liberal leader recommended the liberal Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam in the U.S. to help quell the violence on the Chicago streets. Said his ideas were great. Farrakhan and his mob did patrol some of the streets and went after a Christian business known as Chick-Fil-A and actually tried to shut it down. The business closes on Sunday so the workers can go to church. Then we have Jealous, leader of the NAACP which only gets subsidized by the Federal Government and serves no purpose. The liberals are responsible for the unfair, bias and racist laws such as "Affirmative Action" law, "Racial Profiling" law and the "Hate crime" law, all made to protect one race and punish another.
You are probably seeing the end of all America ever stood with a person , hussein obama who is completely unqualified, not too smart and is following foreign puppeteers who want this country ripped apart and it would appear his beloved followers will make it happen. Obama appointed a queer called Kevin Jennings to the Education Dept. as a School Safety overseer. Jennings is the one who started GLSEN a sex organization, he also backs and even bragged on the pedophile who started NAMBLA an organization that teaches men having sex with little boys. Obama and his mob condones and support both...
Obamacare is why your kin who was deployed 3 times to Iraq and Afghanistan, has a hearing problem but cannot get help because of the RED TAPE he has to go through. The Red Tape Was made, by Obama, enforced by Obama and the man is suffering at this moment because of OBAMA.
Well to start with there has not been a Democrat party for a few years. It was taken over by the likes of Jesse Jackson , AL Sharpton and Waters, Pelosi, Reid and several more... The Real Americans who were Democrats back then have gotten just as far away as possible, either as Independents or Conservative Republicans. The ones now who claim to belong to the "non-existing Democrat Party" continuously refer to themselves as "Liberals". It is people like you that made the word liberalism synonymous with Democrat. You people are the ones who make liberalism appear not so good.. The head of the "Black Panthers" Shabazz is a Liberal, according to him... He is vulgar, filthy talking, wears Muslim garb when out on the streets cursing White citizens.. Farrakhan, the leader of the "Nation of Islam" here in the United States in Washington D.C. is a liberal, accused of killing Malcolm X, put a bounty of Mr. Zimmerman's head before he was even known to be guilty, James Holmes who just killed innocent people in Colorado was a liberal, belonged to the "Black OW" in New York City, the black gangs in Chicago who killed a dozen or more of their own kind were all
Obama Liberals... Bill Clinton was a liberal, lied constantly, ruined a young girl's life, while screaming to the world, "I did not have sex with that woman". Mayor Bloomberg of New York City just asked the Police to go on strike until the American citizens surrender their guns, Bloomberg is a Liberal, the Mayor of Chicago, Rham Emanuel, a liberal leader recommended the liberal Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam in the U.S. to help quell the violence on the Chicago streets. Said his ideas were great. Farrakhan and his mob did patrol some of the streets and went after a Christian business known as Chick-Fil-A and actually tried to shut it down. The business closes on Sunday so the workers can go to church. Then we have Jealous, leader of the NAACP which only gets subsidized by the Federal Government and serves no purpose. The liberals are responsible for the unfair, bias and racist laws such as "Affirmative Action" law, "Racial Profiling" law and the "Hate crime" law, all made to protect one race and punish another.
You are probably seeing the end of all America ever stood with a person , hussein obama who is completely unqualified, not too smart and is following foreign puppeteers who want this country ripped apart and it would appear his beloved followers will make it happen. Obama appointed a queer called Kevin Jennings to the Education Dept. as a School Safety overseer. Jennings is the one who started GLSEN a sex organization, he also backs and even bragged on the pedophile who started NAMBLA an organization that teaches men having sex with little boys. Obama and his mob condones and support both...
Obamacare is why your kin who was deployed 3 times to Iraq and Afghanistan, has a hearing problem but cannot get help because of the RED TAPE he has to go through. The Red Tape Was made, by Obama, enforced by Obama and the man is suffering at this moment because of OBAMA. Obama a bragging liberal just signed an executive order to create new curriculums for inner city schools. mostly black and of course huge amounts of money will flow into them... He is too dumb to know a black kid can go to any school in the city, plus all schools in the city gets the same amount of everything...but the liberal blacks somehow wound up with unqualified teachers, mats made from gunny sacks.. parking lots filled with broken glass etc, etc... It would take volumes to describe the reason liberals are becoming a huge joke.. Democrats have already gone by the wayside....Obama is a disgrace to each and every citizen even if they do not realize it.......
  by : Bonnie Williams

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