Christian Prayer for the Family

I’ve had many conversations lately with people who are so broken-hearted over the loss of faith by their adult children, some to the point of thinking that they were failures as parents.  I remind them that attitudes have changed since we were raising our children and we are now overwhelmingly saturated with TV shows, news articles, etc. that portray Christian families in a bad light and ridicule those of us who still hold on to our faith.  We can only lead our children so far in their faith and then they become responsible themselves.  We all have problems in our families and at times we must let go and let God take over.  

 Satan is the one responsible for the problems in our world; he is the common denominator no matter what the evil.  He knows our vulnerabilities and our weaknesses.  The good news is that we have a very powerful weapon given directly to us by God himself; and that is prayer.  Below is a prayer for families that I received a few years ago and I’d like to share it here for all families to pray as family seems to be the place where Satan really likes to strike.

Prayer for the Family
Heavenly Father, most good and gracious God, sustain our family and our children’s families in your love.  Make them places where holiness and love abound.  Help us to learn to be like Jesus in all our actions. Aid our families to imitate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  Help us to learn from the good example of others and to give good example to everyone.  Assist us all in learning to bear our pain and suffering as Jesus did.  Aid us in overcoming difficulties and carrying our crosses.  Help our families’ lives to lead only to Jesus, the source of true happiness.  Please give wholesome habits to our families.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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