Thursday, March 29, 2012


Dear John Boehner,

As a Chairman for my County's Republican Party I have to face my members each day and give them my take on events that occur within your control in DC. This has become almost impossible to do since you, as the House Republican Leader, have refused to act in our best interest and are unresponsive to our requests for redress.

The biggest example of this is one monumental problem that you continue to refuse to deal with. The on-going investigation of fraud and forgery (now known as "ForgeryGate") initiated by thousands of Americans in 09 and formally investigated by AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio, culminating in his press release on March 1, 2012. Having been to your DC office and having hand delivered Citizen Grand Jury Presentments and evidence of the crimes being committed by and through the White House occupant, to your Staff, back in 2009, there is now no doubt that you are and have been complicit in a massive cover-up of this Constitutional crisis. Now don't get me wrong, I understand exactly why your cohorts are doing this. There is no doubt left in the minds of over half of America that the U.S. House of Representatives is part and parcel of the Domestic, Terrorist, foreign and alien form of government now being forced on America. There can be no other answer when reasonable, logical minded Citizens come to you and ask for resolution to be brought to the House floor concerning B. Obama's eligibility to hold office. As the GOP leader in the house, this responsibility has and remains squarely on your shoulders. Now don't go getting all teary eyed when We The People rise en masse to do what you refuse to.., it won't help. You cast your vote on this issue long ago and it was a decidedly Anti-Constitutional and Anti-American one at that. So let me be as this Congress refuses to be.., clear. There's a revolution brewing in the hearts and minds of Americans and there's an enemy that is the focus of that revolution. You sir, are that enemy, along with every other, already identified, co-conspirator in DC and the government run Media.

This is what concerns the people, like my fellow GOP members, right now, so if you plan on finding or utilizing some escape route from America you should know this. Treason has no expiration date and those that are now, like you, guilty of this, will find no safe harbor just as your war on terror dictates that those terrorists you've labeled as such have none.

May I suggest an easy read for you? Try the Declaration of Independence and pay particular attention to the reasons our founders went to war in the first place. By merely substituting your foreign and alien government friends for the King, I think you'll realize just how big a problem you now have. Resolution now can only be found by fertilizing the "Tree of Liberty" since the elected and appointed in DC are unwilling to do what they are put in their/your position to do. You took an Oath and are now in clear violation of it so we are left to assume that your lack of compliance with that Oath means your fellow conspirators feel comfortable that you can beat back any attempt by America to restore this Nation to its Constitutional Republic roots. The Jury (American Citizens) are deliberating this as I type so if you get a chance to read this understand what I'm saying. Your only salvation is to come clean and quick or get right with God because he will be the only one left to offer you any forgiveness.

Your current, GOP inspired soft brand of Communism or the Left's hard brand will not be tolerated for very much longer before the powder keg ignites and a new form of the Boston Tea Party begins. We understand your allegiance is now with the Globalist Banking Cartel and your end game is the destruction (semi-orderly) of American independence coupled with the financial slavery of future generations to this entity. Nice company you've been keeping...

I do want to thank you for being one of the main reasons We the People have been re-arming. The clear and present danger is you sir and your buds who continue to run cover for the putative POTUS while laying waste to the Constitution. Our Constitution.

In closing I'd like to offer an option for you. Contact me with your heartfelt apology, followed immediately by a full blown Congressional investigation into the sealed records of this alleged usurper, BHO. I will make sure that the message is spread far and wide that redress does still exist in this Nation and the wheels of Justice have been set in motion to accomplish it, by your action. Short of that, have a nervous day and sleepless nights while awaiting the shoe to drop as it most assuredly will and if your advisors have been informing you of some, soon to come, cataclysm that will eliminate all this righteous indignation that is boiling over from affecting you, think again. There are, many times over, more of us than there are of you.


Carl A Swensson
Clayton County (GA) GOP Chairman

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